Everest Base Camp Trek with kids | What to expect?

Serious trekkers want to reach the Everest Base Camp at least once in their life. Many of them have kids and want to know if they can bring their children with them to the Everest Base Camp trek. Hence, we have written this blog to answer this question. 

The youngest person to reach Everest Base Camp on foot is five. In general, you can take your kids to the Everest Base Camp, but you will have to take a few precautions. However, we do not recommend kids below ten to trek to Everest Base Camp.


Why Take Kids on Everest Base Camp Trek?

If you are thinking why you should consider Everest Base Camp with kids trek, here are the reasons.

  • Nature Exploration: The trek offers breathtaking views of the Himalayan landscapes, diverse flora, and fauna. Kids can witness stunning natural beauty, including glaciers, valleys, and towering peaks that may not exist in your country. The trek can inspire kids to study nature-related sciences.


  • Physical Activity: Trekking to Everest Base Camp involves physical exertion. The trek encourages fitness and stamina - the building blocks of healthy lives. Similarly, it will develop mental determination. 


  • Educational Value: The journey presents numerous educational opportunities. Children can learn about geography, geology, and the effects of altitude. They can also gain insights into local ecosystems, weather patterns, and the significance of Everest in world history.


  • Strengthening familial bonds: The trek fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork as a family. Overcoming challenges together, sharing experiences, and supporting each other create lasting bonds and memories, which brings family together.


  • Taste Exploration: The Everest Base Camp trek with children is also a great idea to introduce your kids to new flavors and traditions. It helps them extend their palates and get a good appreciation for foods that they might not be able to enjoy in their home country. 


  • Personal Growth: The trek presents challenges that promote personal growth and resilience in children. Overcoming obstacles, adapting to new environments, and pushing their limits contribute to their emotional and mental development.


  • Climbing Achievement: Reaching Everest Base Camp is a significant achievement that develops a sense of accomplishment and confidence in children. It teaches them the value of setting goals and persevering to achieve them.


  • Cultural understanding: If you let your child know about other prevalent cultures, they become more tolerant and wise. They will also understand how different cultures view their lives. Hence, taking kids to Everest Base Camp fosters brotherhood among people all over the world.

How Difficult Is the Everest Base Camp Trek with Kids?

The Everest Base Camp is quite challenging for adults. It becomes a bit more challenging if you have kids with you.

  • Altitude challenge: The primary challenge is altitude. Children may be more susceptible to altitude sickness, so you must provide them enough time to acclimatize. Do not hurry. Instead, take many breaks. Consider adding more days for acclimatization.


  • Physical Demands: The trek involves walking long distances (130 km round trip) through varied terrain, some of which are steep and rocky. Children need to have a reasonable level of fitness and be prepared for daily walking.


  • Mental challenges: Attitude sickness can also affect the kids' mental health. They may feel excessive fear and anxiety as a result. So you should regularly check on your kids and encourage them throughout the trip. 


  • Frequent checks: Unlike adults, you must check your children frequently while trekking. Be patient with them, and adjust your trek pace with them.


  • Get ready to modify your itinerary: When you add kids to your trek, your trek predictability decreases, and you should be prepared to adjust your itinerary at any point of the trek for various reasons.

When is the Best Time for the Everest Base Camp Trek With Kids?

Like for adults, spring (March, April, and May) and autumn (September, October, November) are the best seasons to take on EBC with kids. These seasons offer clear skies, stable weather, and excellent views. The trekking trails are also in perfect condition, and you will find numerous trekkers on the way.

How to prepare kids for the Everest Base Camp Trek?

  • Health Check-ups: You should start your preparation to trek to Everest Base Camp with your kids by conducting a thorough medical check-up of all your family members headed for a trek to Everest Base Camp. This ensures that everyone is physically fit for the challenges of the trek.


  • Educational Preparation: Prepare children for the trek by educating them about the environment, cultural aspects, and the importance of following safety guidelines. This can enhance their understanding and enjoyment of the journey.


  • Age and Health:  Though there is no strict age limit, children must be physically and mentally prepared. We do not recommend you take your child below ten years of age to the Everest Base Camp. 


  • Acclimatization: Children are more susceptible to altitude-related issues. So, take extra care to avoid altitude sickness. There are ways to minimize the risks of altitude sickness, such as spending enough time for acclimatization and letting your child walk at their own pace.


  • Expert Guidance: Choose a reputable trekking agency with experience in organizing family treks to Everest Base Camp. Knowledgeable guides can adapt the itinerary and pace to suit the needs of children. Discovery World Trekking has been conducting a safe and successful trek for over a decade. 


  • Proper Gear: Ensure your kids have appropriate trekking gear, including comfortable and sturdy footwear, warm clothing, and other essentials. Proper equipment enhances their comfort and safety. Talk with your children and look at their clothing and gear to ensure the right fit.


  • Flexible Itinerary: We recommend you choose a trek with a flexible itinerary that allows adjustments based on the needs of the children. This includes adjusting trekking distances and having rest days when necessary.


  • Weather Considerations: Though you can trek to Everest throughout the year, choose the favorable trek season. Spring and autumn are the best times, offering stable weather conditions and clear skies. This should ease your trek.


  • Adequate insurance: Everest Base Camp is a remote high-altitude trek, where you cannot find adequate health treatment centers. Hence getting proper insurance is a must. Your insurance must cover helicopter evacuation up to the highest trek elevation and the treatment costs. You must teach your child to be attentive to their bodies and express if they feel something strange. 

Safety Measures for Everest base camp trek with kids

Children are very dear to all parents, and naturally, you want to trek your kids in a safe environment. Here are some ways you can create a safe trek environment.

Decide on communication

Carry reliable communication devices and provide children with one of those. Ncell and NTC mobile operators cover most of the trek regions. You can purchase prepaid SIM cards from these operators. To cover areas beyond mobile operators' reach, you can opt to carry satellite phones. Make sure these phones are reliable and have a long battery life.

Choose experienced tour operators.

Hire experienced guides and support staff familiar with family treks and understand the unique needs of children. Look for guides trained in first aid and emergency response. Discovery World Trekking guides are very well-trained.

Keep an eye on the weather.

Look for local weather forecasts before and during the trek. As the weather in high altitudes changes quickly, prepare for changing weather conditions and make informed decisions based on weather updates.

Choose the right gear.

Children cannot express themselves like an adult. So, be extra careful while purchasing appropriate gear, including warm clothing, sturdy boots, and essential trekking equipment. Ask your child to try the clothing and gear beforehand to ensure they are fit.

Provide enough food and drinks.

During the trek, your kids and you yourself will require plenty of nutritious food. We advise you to take plenty of vegetarian foods instead of non-veg for meat hygiene concerns. You should also pack extra dietary supplements such as protein bars. Similarly, since you and your kids will be respiring rapidly during the trek, you must arrange enough liquids for yourself and your family. Do not drink water from local water resources such as taps, rivers, and wells. We advise you to bring water bottles and buy boiled water from tea houses and hotels instead for safety.

Rest when necessary

Allow for sufficient rest and recovery time during the trek. Recognize when fatigue is setting in among your kids. If your kids are feeling tired, adjust the trekking pace or take additional rest days.

Carry a first aid kit.

Remain prepared to handle minor injuries yourself. Carry a basic first aid kit with general medications, blister treatment, and medications for altitude sickness.

Educate your kids

Educate children about potential risks and safety measures. Teach them how to recognize symptoms of altitude sickness, the importance of hydration, and how to communicate any concerns. Make sure they will tell you the moment they feel uncomfortable.


Taking your kids to Everest Base Camp is a major decision, and it is an important one as well. You want to trek to Everest Base Camp suggests that you have an adventurous heart and perhaps want to share your passion with your children. You can certainly take your kids (over 10 years) to Everest Base Camp after thorough preparation. However, you will need a reliable trek and tour operator. 

At Discovery World Trekking, we have experience conducting Everest Base Camp treks for over a decade. To plan your next EBC trek with your kids, call/Viber/WhatsApp us at +9779840055491 or email [email protected]. We can definitely provide you with all the information you need to decide whether to take or not to take your kids to Everest Base Camp.


Paul Gurung

Paul has an extensive experience in the tourism industry. Through his blogs, he shares his deep knowledge about the stunning trek regions in Nepal, inspiring trekkers worldwide to explore these regions and enrich their lives. In addition to geography, his writings delve into the human side of the trek regions, including culture, traditions, religions, and etiquette, offering a comprehensive and enriching perspective on the Himalayan trekking and expedition experience.